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Auditorium of Valleseco

Opened to the public on 25th January 2013, this new building has been baptized Don Juan Díaz Rodríguez. This neighbour of Valleseco, born in Barranco de la Virgen, was an illustrious person who worked hard for Gran Canaria and achieved important things. He was president of the Archaelogical Museum of Gran Canaria and collaborated in the creation of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University Foundation, besides being a prestigious specialist in Hematology and hemotherapy. He wrote some remarkable books, as for example “Molinos de agua y heredamientos en Gran Canaria” and he was given the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

This Auditorium is prepared to hold a variety of events, as it is equipped with a large stage and 300 seats. Moreover, there is a hall in the basement to celebrate parties. This building has offices, classrooms and an exhibition room. The total cost of this work was 2.600.000 €.

At present, it is possible to visit a painting exhibition by the Canarian artist Felipe Juan, who is presenting his latest collections. Opening times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 13:00 p.m.. Out of this timetable, you must contact the Tourist Information Office phone nº 928 61 82 32. Here you have some images of the Auditorium of Valleseco.


If you want to know all the events programmed for the next days in the Auditorium, click here or visit our facebook    




C/Párroco José Hernández Acosta, 10