[Texto introduccion directorio valleseco] INGLES
Valleseco - Green Oasis of Life
General information
Valleseco' s Ecological Market, known as EcoValles is the first ecological market in the island. It has 10 stands which provide differents products such as dairy or packet products, all of them certified
Valleseco is a lovely green region of Gran Canaria, located 7 kms. center-north of Teror and 28 kms. from the capital. It is formed by two main canyons: Barranco de la Virgen and Barranco de Madrelagua, and a not so "Seco" (dry) central valley ("valle"), for which receives its paradoxical name the town.
TOWN HALL 928 61 80 22
TOURISM OFFICE 928 61 80 22 ext 221
LOCAL POLICE 928 61 89 08/616 98 81 84
CIVIL GUARD (TEROR) 928 63 00 84
TAXIS 928 61 80 80
HEALTH CENTRE 928 61 99 80
QUEMIST'S 928 61 80 29
Places of interest
Located within the Rural Park Doramas, the recreational area of La Laguna is an area of great scenic beauty formed by a large volcanic caldera covered inside by vegetation and laurel trees...The Recreation Area is equipped with facilities for BBQ cooking, running water, and tables and benches for outdoor eating under the large chestnut trees. To use the facilities for large groups you need to call ahead to the City of Valleseco (928 61 80 22) to request permission...
Opened to the public on 25th January 2013, this new building has been baptized Don Juan Díaz Rodríguez. This neighbour of Valleseco, born in Barranco de la Virgen, was an illustrious person ...
The valley EL Barranco de la Virgen, with its natural landscape is one of the main valleys, which cross the town Valleseco. Because it is surrounded by high mountains, it is in this area where the sound of silence to can still be heard. You can came to this valley it from the Valleseco town center by the GC-305, which leads you to the first section of Valsendero and then continues across the ravine is the last stretch then it's on to the nearby town of Firgas.
Osorio Peak is a natural viewpoint from which you can see the north of the island...
Leaving the most populated part of town, just a few kilometres from the Valleseco downtown, is the site of the Cortijo Calderetas which you can get to by walking a short distance from the off the main road. This beautiful landscape was formed by a large volcanic caldera which gave life to the surrounding chestnut, elm and pine trees.
The reason to build this church in honor of Saint Dominican from Valencia was because of the great devotion that the inhabitants of Valleseco had for him since he was in the holy Church of Teror which was their church before Valleseco separated. The congregation, in which all neighbors belonged, built the first chapel, with the tax money collected in 1170. It was later replaced by the present church.
Within the village of Valleseco, you will find the Ethnographic Museum, where you can learn more about a typical Canarian product, el gofio, a kind of flour made of toasted corn, widely used all over the islands. The Tourist Information Office of Valleseco is also situated at this point.
Party and Tradition
Fifty days after Easter, in the Witsun Monday, San Vicente Ferrer, the patron saint of Valleseco, was brought to this municipality from the Church of Teror
The first Sunday of October another festival is held in our municipality, the Apple Festival in honour of Our Lady of la Encarnación. Villagers on carts, dressed in traditional costumes, come in pilgrimage to offer their products to the Virgin on the eve of the main day
The roots of our customs and the folklore of our land is represented by folk music groups:
- Parranda Los Paperos (C/Cura Caballero, s/n, tlf. 928-631963)
- Grupo de Baile de Zumacal (tlf. 928-630319/928-630555)
- Grupo Folklórico Abenechara (tlf. 928-618127/928-618260)
- Agrupación Folklórica “San Vicente Ferrer” (tlf. 928-61 83 00/61 80 22)
The main ethnographic elements that can be found in the town revolves around the use of water (aquaduct, ponds, sinks, mills, wells or galleries) and farms (houses, yards, caves or Alpendre).
Valleseco township has a significant heritage of traditional rural architecture, linked to farms that are scattered in throughout the territory or in small groups here and there. An excellent example of one of these groups of homes are in Monagas, it's a wonder how their location and their landscape seem to absorbed them.
El Maipey grave is situated in the dirt track that joins Valsendero and the Cortijo de Crespo through el Andén ravine, near Montaña Pajarita...
Much of the municipality (80%) are classified as protected natural area. On one side, the Rural Park Doramas occupies the northern half of town, encompassing areas such as Barranco de la Virgen, where you can still enjoy an interesting laurel forest stronghold of great botanical Integral and on the other side the Natural Reserve of Barranco Oscuro.
The laurel forest is one of the more diverse ecosystems of our island and which hosts a wealth of interesting endemic faunal. Species that require more moisture refuge in shady areas, hidden under leaves, rocks or logs: earthworms, slugs, snails, spiders, myriapods ... Among insects abundant endemic beetles, earwigs, pseudoescorpiones, grasshoppers , bees and butterflies and moths. Among vertebrates are the birds, reptiles and shrews.